May 17, 2015

One Whole Year!!

In one week, Shaun and I will celebrate our one year wedding anniversary. What?!

The time truly flew by. It's still very surreal to be a wife. And truth be told, I'm just now getting used to saying "husband." (I never got used to fiancee!)

So, in honor of one year of wedded bliss, here are a few things I've come to learn along the way...

1. Even if you lived together, had joint finances together and did the "married couple" thing before you got married, it will still feel different once you say "I Do." Not dramatically different, but one day, it will just kind of hit you that this person stood in front of you, God, four generations of family and his college frat bros to declare his eternal love for you. Deep.

2. DO got to bed angry, when necessary. It is not worth a long drawn out fight when it started as a minor disagreement. Trust me on this one.

3. Get your finances in check. Before Shaun and I got married, we developed (well, he developed) a very successful system for our credit card (woo-hoo airline miles!), bill paying, emergency fund and savings. I am not naturally financially minded, so this system has been life-changing. I feel a peace of mind knowing that we're financially secure and planning for the future. It's not always easy... he literally put me on a "cheese budget" due to the amount of frivolous spending that was occurring at the grocery store. But hey, in my defense - doesn't one need cheddar slices, american slices, shredded blend, feta and Brie for entertaining?! Amiright?

4. Be partners, but also be individuals. Shaun is my partner in life. He's my best friend, my "go-to" when shit hits the fan and the love of my life, but he also respects my need for girls-only wine  & cheese nights, happy hours and lots of gym sessions, while I am A-okay with his afternoons at the golf course. My point is, you don't need to be joined at the hip to have a happy marriage.

5. Find joy in the little things. There is literally nothing better than waking up on a Sunday morning and having a cup of coffee together. Cherish it.

Cheers to one year! It's been better than anything I could have ever imagined...


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