November 16, 2016

From Contestant to Judge

Winning the title of Mrs. Nevada-America 2016 has opened many doors for me. One of which, was being asked to judge the Miss Nevada USA pageant by former Miss USA and executive director of the Miss Nevada USA organization, Shanna Moakler.

This was a tremendous honor, one that I did not take lightly for many reasons. This organization has helped me become the person I am today. I was 15 when I first competed for the title of Miss Nevada Teen USA. I placed 1st runner up to my now good friend, Georgina Vaughan. From then on, I was hooked. I eventually went on to take the title of Miss Nevada Teen USA 2008 when I was 17 and competed the following summer at Miss Teen USA in the Bahamas.                                                                        

After taking a few years off, I decided to enter the Miss Nevada USA pageant when I was a senior in college at UNR. After four months of preparation, I placed in the Top 5 - and honestly, was thrilled. Winning would have been amazing, but I felt a sense of satisfaction that I never would have felt if I hadn't put myself out there in the first place.

The years of competing in the Miss Nevada USA system gave me the confidence, experience and motivation to enter, and ultimately win, the title of Mrs. Nevada-America this year - and for that I am truly grateful.

So, enough of the background - let's fast forward to this past weekend.

Shanna certainly puts on a first class pageant, which is representative of the ladies who choose to compete. These are some of the most accomplished, beauty, intelligent and kind young women in our state. It was an honor to meet them all.

To the contestants...

I hope you noticed me smiling non-stop at all of you during judges' interview and beaming with pride as you each took the stage. I KNOW how difficult that is, and how hard you all prepared. Trust me, I've been there. 

I hope you all realize that this is an unforgettable part of your journey. Even if you choose not to compete again, which I hope you will reconsider, you will look back on that moment and be proud of yourself. I've been in every situation in a pageant - not placing, top 5, winning, top 15, not placing again - you name it. Sometimes it's hard to see the bigger picture, but trust me, it's there. 

It's there when you look into the mirror and smile at yourself because you ROCKED it in swimsuit on stage; it's there when you're giving a presentation at school or work and you feel a little less nervous because nothing could compare to standing in front of a panel of judges hanging on your every word; and it's there next time you're out and about and you find yourself *strutting* confidently down the aisles at Target - yep, this experience has changed you. Always for the better. 

To #TeamNevada...
Thank you to Shanna for asking me to judge! Any contestant would be blessed to have you as their director! Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this team.

Thank you Travis, Jason, Will, Tonya, Jessica and the rest of the team - you make every year an unforgettable experience!

To my fellow judges - Michael, Jade, Ross and Dr. Ben - thanks for making this a super fun weekend and being the most awesome judging panel ever!

And lastly, congrats to Alexis and Lauren. You both are so wonderful and deserving. I am so excited to see what this year holds for you!


March 6, 2016

The Crown

Exactly one week ago, I heard my name called as the new Mrs. Nevada-America, and my life changed forever. It came with a mix of emotions - elation, shock, joy and more - but it came from a place of true humility. I had no idea if my name would be called at all that night, whether it be for Top 10 and Top 5 - let alone be announced as the winner. I truly feel blessed, and I wholeheartedly believe God led the way that night - especially because of the challenging week I had prior.  A little background...

Preparing for a pageant can be a bit stressful on its own. Your nerves and flutters of excitement start and certain scenarios start to run through your head. Three days before pageant weekend, I woke up with a couple of spots on my leg. Hmmmm.....strange, I thought. By the next morning, it was a case of full blown hives all over my body. Not exactly the best situation right before swimsuit competition. I got myself to the doctor, pronto. It turns out I had an allergic reaction to something. GREAT TIMING. I still don't know what the reaction was from. But still, I "kept calm and carried on." 

So, the hives finally went away (attractive, I know.), and it was time for pageant weekend. I woke up the morning of judges interview feeling pumped and ready to go. The BIG weekend was finally here and I was ready to shine. But first, a fender bender. ON THE WAY to my interview. My first ever! Like, are you kidding me with this timing?! Still, I carried on - I am more than hives and a smashed bumper! Thanks to my heroic husband who met me within 5 minutes of the crash to switch cars with me, I made it to my interview without issue and with time to spare! 

Through all of it, I felt a strange sense of calm. Which is not the norm for me, as I tend to be a bit anxious at times. I decided to leave it in God's hands at that point. I knew that I was coming into that weekend as the best version of myself, and whatever happens, happens. However, I did tell my mom after all of this that I must be due for some good karma coming my way. And I guess I was right!

The evening of the pageant went by like a blur. I wasn't nervous for it (which is again, out of character for me), and was just excited to be able to be on stage again. The stage, the lights - it's fun. Before I knew it, I was the first to be called to the Top 10 (yay!) and then the last to be called to Top 5 (phew!). When the final question came, I spoke from the heart and hoped it was enough. I wasn't able to hear the other finalists' answers, so I had no idea what I was up against. When it came time for the awards and crowning, I was so honored to be named Mrs. Photogenic!! Then it came time for the crowning. 4th runner up, 3rd runner up, 2nd runner up - then down to two. At this point, my heart was beating so far out of my chest that you probably could have seen it in the back row. And then, the first runner up was called and it wasn't my name - which means, I did it!!! I will never ever forget being crowned and looking into the audience to see my family and friends so excited for me. I am so blessed.

So, here's my point - extraordinary things come from (sometimes) unusual or extraordinary circumstances. But the power of positive thinking and letting your true self shine will enable you to move forward - beauty pageant, or otherwise.

I am still on cloud nine from last Sunday. It truly feels like a dream come true. I will never take one moment of it for granted, and will work wholeheartedly to make those around me proud. 

Thank you to everyone for your support - I am so truly humbled by every message, comment, call and text. 

Your Mrs. Nevada-America 2016

February 25, 2016

Blonde Ambition Takes the Stage

The BIG weekend is finally almost here. On Sunday, I will compete alongside some of our state's most beautiful and accomplished women for the title of Mrs. Nevada-America 2016. Eeeek! 

When I signed up for this competition six months ago, I knew I would feel the excitement and jitters that I feel right now. Pageantry is much more than the wardrobe, putting in long hours at the gym and perfecting a runway walk - it's about being the best version of yourself, every day. It's about understanding that the crown and sash is so much more than that - it's a platform to gain awareness for charitable causes and be a role model to others in a very public forum. It's about heart, drive and determination. Am I ready to take this on? YES! I feel as though I have been preparing for this moment for my whole life. Experiences like watching my mom take on the role of Mrs. Oklahoma-America when I was little, to my professional life and marrying my best friend have led me to exactly the place I need to be in order to give it my all.

My friends have often asked me if I'm getting nervous now that the pageant is right around the corner. The truth is, I'm really not. I'm actually ecstatic! I am approaching this weekend as I would any other endeavor, with a positive attitude and a heart of gold. 

I think it is important in life to take a step out of your comfort zone and do something just for you. Life is too short to shy away from failure, or as I like to say: "FAIL: First Attempt In Learning." : )

Wish me luck!!


January 3, 2016

2016 - here we go!

So here we are - another year, another chance to live, love and strive for success.

As the years go by, it seems as if they each go by more quickly than the last. Time is the most precious asset of them all - more so than money or things. You can earn more money or buy more things, but there is nothing more precious or valuable than time, and more importantly, what you do with it.

Because of this, I'm only making one 2016 resolution: To be more present each moment of each day and to appreciate every second. 

More specifically, to appreciate every moment, no matter how exciting or mundane. The only thing that is guaranteed in life is that time here is limited, so let's make it count.

I have a bad habit of searching for the next "thing" to get excited about - whether it's a vacation, a family gathering, event, or even a quiet weekend at home. So much so, that I feel I often overlook my blessings on the day-to-day. So now, I'm looking to achieve a good balance, in which I am looking forward to things to come, but not rushing through life.

I would never want to look back in sickness or old age and feel that I have experienced a life that has not been lived. It's not about the big things, but the little things that we experience every single day.

In closing, here are a few of the things that make me think "In this moment, I am so happy." What makes you tick?

- The aroma and sight of freshly lit candle (bonus points for fall-inspired candles during autumn)
- The beautiful way my husband looks at me, whether I just spent a half day getting ready or just rolling out of bed
- Amazing post-workout endorphins
- The first sip of a weeknight glass of wine
- Cheese (whyyyy must you make me so happy?!)
- Game nights with friends to reconnect without being glued to our phones
- The pride I feel when someone on my team scores a great press placement and can't wait to share it with me (You guys rock!)
- Creating family recipes for gatherings - sharing my family's traditions with others
- Calling my mom every morning and evening to catch up on the day's events and get the scoop about what our family is up to
- Being hesitant and sometimes terrified when my husband suggests a new adventurous activity (Wakeboarding?? Umm, sure!), but then completely loving it. Thank you for taking me out of my comfort zone.
- Staying up late with my sisters to chat and make gingerbread houses during the holidays.
- An unexpected text from a friend who I haven't had the chance to speak with in awhile.
- The joy of a fully executed to-do list. Literally euphoria. 
- Playing poker with my whole family during holiday visits and the laughs/competitiveness which ensues.
