January 3, 2016

2016 - here we go!

So here we are - another year, another chance to live, love and strive for success.

As the years go by, it seems as if they each go by more quickly than the last. Time is the most precious asset of them all - more so than money or things. You can earn more money or buy more things, but there is nothing more precious or valuable than time, and more importantly, what you do with it.

Because of this, I'm only making one 2016 resolution: To be more present each moment of each day and to appreciate every second. 

More specifically, to appreciate every moment, no matter how exciting or mundane. The only thing that is guaranteed in life is that time here is limited, so let's make it count.

I have a bad habit of searching for the next "thing" to get excited about - whether it's a vacation, a family gathering, event, or even a quiet weekend at home. So much so, that I feel I often overlook my blessings on the day-to-day. So now, I'm looking to achieve a good balance, in which I am looking forward to things to come, but not rushing through life.

I would never want to look back in sickness or old age and feel that I have experienced a life that has not been lived. It's not about the big things, but the little things that we experience every single day.

In closing, here are a few of the things that make me think "In this moment, I am so happy." What makes you tick?

- The aroma and sight of freshly lit candle (bonus points for fall-inspired candles during autumn)
- The beautiful way my husband looks at me, whether I just spent a half day getting ready or just rolling out of bed
- Amazing post-workout endorphins
- The first sip of a weeknight glass of wine
- Cheese (whyyyy must you make me so happy?!)
- Game nights with friends to reconnect without being glued to our phones
- The pride I feel when someone on my team scores a great press placement and can't wait to share it with me (You guys rock!)
- Creating family recipes for gatherings - sharing my family's traditions with others
- Calling my mom every morning and evening to catch up on the day's events and get the scoop about what our family is up to
- Being hesitant and sometimes terrified when my husband suggests a new adventurous activity (Wakeboarding?? Umm, sure!), but then completely loving it. Thank you for taking me out of my comfort zone.
- Staying up late with my sisters to chat and make gingerbread houses during the holidays.
- An unexpected text from a friend who I haven't had the chance to speak with in awhile.
- The joy of a fully executed to-do list. Literally euphoria. 
- Playing poker with my whole family during holiday visits and the laughs/competitiveness which ensues.


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