September 20, 2015

My Happy Place

In the midst of the craziness that we millenials refer to as adulting, it is necessary to have an outlet, a hobby, a place that brings you back to zen. For me, it is the Cahlan family vacation home in Brian Head, Utah.

The moment I really fell in love with this place was a last-minute weekend getaway that Shaun took me on during the summer of 2012. We had just moved from Reno to Las Vegas and it was a really strange (but fun) transitionary time and and we needed time away together. We got caught in a horrendous rain storm driving up, which left us with zero visibility on the road and me pretty much in tears (umm, okay Utah monsoon season!), but when we arrived, the clouds parted and left us with that post-rain tranquility that we don't experience enough in Vegas. That afternoon, we spent hours on the balcony just chatting away - talking about hopes, dreams, what is in store for the future.

Now, we make an effort to head up there at least 4-5 times per year, as a way to recharge and relax. Most recently, we just got back from a weekend getaway with some of our best friends to check out the AMAZING fall colors that Brian Head has to offer in mid-September - vibrant yellows and rich reds amidst a backdrop of evergreen. Not to mention - perfect, cozy fall weather!

It was a perfect weekend of taking in the sites, cooking lots of comfort food, wine, Monopoly, massages at the spa with Di Di while the rest of the group played disc golf, flipping through bridal mags, visiting Brian Head Peak at 11,000+ feet and lots of conversation. I am the sentimental type - always have been, always will be. There is something about spending hours playing board games and chatting with old friends that makes my heart happy - looking around the table at how we've grown the past several years, and thinking about where we'll all end up. Hopefully together - and trips like this help solidify the bond that we've all created.

To those who haven't experienced the beauty of Brian Head - GO! I bet it will become your happy place, too...


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